Cybersecurity UW Student Organization Bylaws – Fall 2020 to Spring 2021
Article I: Purpose and Goals
Cybersecurity UW (CSEC) exists to allow its members to learn and explore the field of cybersecurity in a collaborative environment. This includes everything from security research to lessons on online privacy and safety.
Cybersecurity UW is committed to:
- Helping people from all backgrounds and walks of life learn about security and online safety.
- Teaching individuals about the importance of managing their digital footprint and shared online information.
- Creating a safe, lawful, and ethical environment for members to explore and experiment with technology and software regarding cybersecurity.
- Giving members the tools to learn and discover their topics of interest regarding cybersecurity.
- Teaching skills relevant to identifying security issues.
- Hosting events to help share information with the general public.
Article II: Membership
Per compliance with RSO requirements, at least 75% of Cybersecurity UW members must be currently enrolled UW-Madison students.
The guidelines regarding membership are as follows:
- Membership is open to any currently enrolled student at UW-Madison.
- Current enrollment is defined as at least half-time enrollment, totaling a current 6 credits a semester for undergraduates, and 4 credits a semester for graduates.
- We welcome any student with an interest in cybersecurity, regardless of background or major.
- To become a member of Cybersecurity UW, all that is required is that a student goes to a meeting and asks us for membership.
- We will then add them to our list of contacts, and they will be able to correspond with all members via our methods of communication.
- Membership will be considered for individuals who are not currently students.
- Approval will be granted via a majority vote of officers.
- However, if their membership would cause the organization’s membership total to exceed a 25% non-student ratio, then membership will not be considered.
- Membership will be revoked for members who:
- Use cybersecurity exploits to commit criminal activity.
- Inappropriately use technology, specifically from skills taught in this organization.
- Harass or threaten other members.
Article III: Officers
Position Descriptions
To fill the role of an officer, members must:
- Be currently enrolled UW-Madison students, as defined in Article II.
- This excludes any non UW-Madison students from becoming an officer.
- Voluntarily express their desire to fill either the role of an officer, the role of a current officer, or the role of a head officer.
Cybersecurity UW has four head officer positions. These include our:
- President (Currently Nic Draves)
- Ensures that the organization’s direction, meetings, and events are in line with the fundamental purposes and goals stated in Article I.
- Responsible for drafting schedules all meetings and events.
- Treasurer (Currently Tony Tu)
- Required to manage funds acquired in a responsible manner.
- Secretary (Currently Aidan McEllistrem)
- Keeps a detailed history of all meetings and events.
- Responsible for the website of our organization’s creation, information, and maintenance.
- Head of Outreach (Currently Faith Isaac)
- Directs and plans all efforts to connect with the local Madison community for events.
In addition, there is a regular officer position, responsible for assisting the head officers in their duties.
Position Occupation
- Slots for regular officer positions are made on a need for support basis, being created by the president.
- Officer positions are filled on a “first come, first served” basis, being given to a member who wants that position (and approved via a majority decision of all officers).
- If two or more members express their desire to fill an empty officer position at the same time, an election will be held among officers.
- If a member wants to fill the role of a position already occupied:
- If the current member wishes to step down from their officer position, they may grant their position to that member.
- If the current member does not wish to step down, a decision is made via a majority decision to replace the officer by all other officers, head and non-head.
- This voting process can only be allowed by a president’s approval. However, removing the president is a separate process independent of the president’s approval.
- Upon any officer’s graduation or resignation, their slots become empty.
- However, head officers may have an election consisting of other head officers to vote on a successor to their position before they graduate.
Article IV: Decisions
Decision Definitions
A majority decision is defined as the approval of at least 75% of all participants in the vote, whereas a unanimous decision is defined as the approval of all participants in the vote.
If a participant for a voting process is not able to attend the vote, they will be contacted for their decision. If they cannot be reached, the vote will continue on without their input.
An election is defined as a decision by all participants of the election, with the most votes for a certain individual or organization winning. If there is a tie, the president can break it by choosing the winner.
Since only officers are involved in decision making, and officers are all students of UW-Madison as defined in Article III, therefore, only students can be involved in decision making.
Article V: Removing Membership / Position
- If a member is found guilty of any of the offenses defined in Article II for the criteria of removing members as a result of information brought to the attention of an officer, they will be removed via the president’s decision.
- If an officer is deemed ineffective, the president may remove their position status with a majority vote from all other officers besides the officer being voted against.
- If a president is found by other officers to be seriously neglecting duties, a majority decision is agreed upon by officers and presented in paper with signatures of every officer voting yes. This removes the current president from their position.
- A new president is immediately elected after this by head officers.
Article VI: Dissolution
If all officers decide unanimously to dissolve the organization, all members will be informed of the decision, all funds will go to a charity selected via election by officers, and the organization will be removed from all listings.
Article VII: Amending the Bylaws
To amend the bylaws, a majority decision is taken by all officers. A successful vote changes the bylaws permanently, and the new laws come into effect immediately.
This page can be edited in the site repo, but note that changing these bylaws requires a vote of the club leadership.